Wednesday, July 3, 2013

how to become a millionaire

Portfolio Relevance
By MarketWatch
Don’t miss these top money and investing features:
A Declaration of Investor Independence: When in the course of financial market events it becomes necessary for investors to dissolve the costly bands which have connected them with brokers and money managers, they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident. That all investments are not created equal. That they are endowed by their creators with certain unalienable fees, that among these are management, trading and marketing.
It is the right of investors to alter or to abolish those fees from their portfolios and to institute new investing habits, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their long-term returns and prosperity.
We, therefore, the individual investing public, do solemnly publish and declare, that investors are, and of right ought to be free and independent of high expenses for mediocre investment management.


Fund managers see international-stock bargains

Investors in international stock mutual funds and ETFs have been in a world of hurt. But now the managers of those funds are spinning the globe and finding bargains among the bramble.
Fund managers see international-stock bargains.

U.S. stock funds, ETFs celebrate Independence Day

The U.S. market stood out in the first half of 2013. The question, writes Jonathan Burton, is how strong of a foundation are stocks standing on?
U.S. stock funds, ETFs celebrate Independence Day

Bonds throw ‘taper tantrum’ and fund buyers break

Investors in bond mutual funds will have to tread carefully heading into the second half of the year, writes Rachel Koning Beals.
Bonds throw ‘taper tantrum’ and fund buyers break

Mutual fund returns tell a tale of the taper

The Federal Reserve’s moves were key to U.S. stock and bond fund returns in the first half of 2013, and that’s likely to continue.
 Mutual fund returns tell a tale of the taper.


Dumping your bond funds? Read this first

How to make sense of the mad dash for the exits at bond funds.
Dumping your bond funds? Read this first.

U.S. investors stuck in emerging markets crunch

Emerging markets have taken it on the chin this year, but U.S. investors who piled into them are really feeling the pain, writes Howard Gold.
U.S. investors stuck in emerging markets crunch

How to invest in gold now

Gold kicked off the third quarter with rebound, but what should investors consider for the rest of the year? BullionVault Vice President Miguel Perez-Santalla joins MoneyBeat. 
 How to invest in gold now.

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